The Pink Lilies Bouquet speaks elegance and bliss. Marvelous pink blooms are arranged elegantly amongst mixed greens. A wonder like no other, this bouquet is sure to delight the recipient.
Some buds in your bouquet may arrive unopened. However, your buds will come into bloom within a day or two so the recipient will be able to enjoy their bouquet for longer.
Pink Lily Bouquet
All our deliveries are carried out by our own transport, as such, we have a limited area of trading when it comes to our delivery service. If you want a delivery outside the areas listed here, please call first before placing an order: Our Delivery Area is:
Portsmouth, Paulsgrove, Waterlooville, Havant, Rowlands Castle, Emsworth, and Hayling Island.
Alternatively, and should you wish, you can place an order for in-store collection, our address is:
Flowers at Jasmine's
25-29 Park Parade
Leigh Park