Our timeless red roses are the perfect way to show someone how much they mean to you. This beautiful bouquet is available in a medium size and a large size. Our medium sized bouquet contains half a dozen (6) red roses while our large sized bouquet contains a dozen (12). Our red roses have gypsophila and green foliage integrated into the design.
Timeless Red Roses
All our deliveries are carried out by our own transport, as such, we have a limited area of trading when it comes to our delivery service. If you want a delivery outside the areas listed here, please call first before placing an order: Our Delivery Area is:
Portsmouth, Paulsgrove, Waterlooville, Havant, Rowlands Castle, Emsworth, and Hayling Island.
Alternatively, and should you wish, you can place an order for in-store collection, our address is:
Flowers at Jasmine's
25-29 Park Parade
Leigh Park